About the project
COVID-19 crisis showed the need for digital transformation to high-quality inclusive online training in Europe. OECD analyses declare that the COVID‑19 crisis has resulted in a significant increase in online learning by adults, however, adult educators across Europe were plunged into the situation to pursue the training that had started as classroom-based to online, with non or very little professional training for this digital transformation. The lessons learnt from the COVID-19 situation showed that adult education organisations, especially in the local and rural areas, were not prepared to integrate the digital technology into delivered to their learners’ training, especially with the possibility to use the blended learning approach based on the digital technology.
The project partnership concentrates on meeting the increased needs, emphasized in the EU Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027):
- to support adult education organisations and their staff to make use of digital technologies for inclusive, high quality online training to satisfy learner’s expectations for digital education;
- to develop adult educators’ digital competences on the base of European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators;
- to support an engagement of adult learners, especially with fewer opportunities, in their path to digital education.
The project aims to develop Learning Hub “Digital transformation” to support adult educators and adult education organisations in the path to digital transformation for high-quality inclusive online training corresponding to learners’ needs. Adult education organisations are provided with the tools to ensure the quality of the digital transformation plans. The online training for improving adult educators-practitioners digital competences is based on the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators and includes the modules for developing four digital competences: digital resources; teaching and learning; assessment; empowering learners. In order to organise effective online training for adult educators-practitioners, the project supports adult educators-facilitators and provides them with the guidelines. The project plans as well to support adult educators-practitioners in integrating the digital technology into subject-specific online training, which is selected by the project as training on gender equality in the labour market. By producing this subject-specific short online course, the project seeks to achieve two main purposes: to provide the adult educators with a good sample of digitally-transformed training for delivery to adult learners; and to empower the learners facing gender-discrimination barrier for better inclusion to the labour market and society and motivate them to take part in digital education.

Project's target groups
- adult education organisations and their staff;
- adult educators practitioners;
- adult learners, especially with fewer opportunities and facing gender-discrimination barriers.

The objectives
- supporting resilience and building capacity of adult education organisations and their educational staff for implementing the digital transformation to high-quality inclusive online training;
- developing adult educators-practitioners’ digital competences for providing high-quality inclusive online training;
- assessing the adult educators’ digital competences with the possibility to provide micro-credentials;
- integrating the digital technology to subject-specific online training on gender equality;
- promoting inclusion of adult learners facing gender-discrimination barriers into the labour market and society.

Project's results
- e-Toolkit “Quality assurance for digital transformation in adult education organisations to high-quality inclusive online training”;
- Assessment Tool with micro-credential “Digital Transformator”;
- OOC “Developing adult educators’ digital competences for digital transformation to high-quality inclusive online training”;
- Short Online Course (SOC) for adult learners “Gender equality in the labour market”.
- e-Guide: Facilitation of the Learning Hub “Digital transformation” to high-quality online training. For adult learners;